Improving recognition & support of AHP’s in Local Authority’s

Understanding the inequality between AHPs in different settings across our health and social care systems.
The challenge
AHPs within Local Authority settings do not have the same profile, receive the same recognition, or development and funding opportunities, as their health colleagues. Furthermore, the perception of AHP Faculties and Councils are often not representative of the whole health and care system and maintain, primarily a focus on health, which can prevent the inclusion and representation of Local Authority colleagues.
AHP roles have different names in Health and in Social Care making it harder to compare and contrast
We are working closely with the London Principal OT Network, with funding from NHS England to explore these issues across London and co-develop action plans with the Network and AHP Faculties and Councils to co-construct solutions which work with and for the sector.
Aims and outputs of the project
- To understand and expand data of AHPs in social care in London
- Work collaboratively with the AHP ICB Faculties and Councils to scope involvement of social care/LA AHPs
- Support development of the London Principal and Lead Occupational Therapist (OT) leadership network
- Scope the current local authority workforce supply pipeline including pre-registration student placement activity, apprenticeships, and international recruitment across London
So far we have conducted interview with Principal OT Leads from across London and have commenced interviews with AHP Council and Faculty Leads, in the hope this will help us create a true picture of the experience of AHP’s in Social Care.
A report with our findings will be published in the New Year.