Register for the Digital Care Summit

Join London’s Health & Care system to explore how to keep people well by embracing digital technology
The Digital Care Summit will provide tech-focussed inspiration and learning, whatever level of digital maturity you and your organisation are at. You may be at the start of your digital journey or leading at the cutting edge. We encourage anyone working in the voluntary and community sector, health, care and public sector to attend. We’d also love people and carers with lived experience of using technology in care to come along and share their experiences.
The event will cover everything from the foundations of good governance and data security through the Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT) to the newest digital solutions. We want to focus on helping support you with implementation, offering an opportunity to explore how digital technology can enhance care personalisation and the experience for people receiving care, improve services, and streamline operational processes.
We’re delighted to be co-hosting this event with NHS England – London, ADASS and Digital Care Hub. Join London’s Health and Care system this Friday, 21st June, as we explore the endless possibilities digital solutions provide us to support improved health and independence.
Event Agenda
09:15 – Registration Opens |
10:00 – Keynote Presentation – Helen Pettersen, Interim COO, NHSE – London |
10:15 – Introduction to the Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT) |
10:35 – Breakout Sessions – Digital tools to help people stay well at home |
11:05 – Networking break and meet the Exhibitors |
11:35 – Breakout Sessions – Digitally enabled better care |
12:25 – Lunch & meet the Exhibitors |
13:50 – Breakout Sessions – Digital operational opportunities |
14:50 – Discussion: Tech Implementation: challenges & support required |
16:00 – Event Close |